Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Low Maintenance Man

Low maintenance men are everywhere. These are the men who have simple, no-frills grooming habits. They shower regularly, wear deodorant, and brush their teeth. They get regular haircuts and might use a little hair product and that’s about it.

Keepin’ It Simple

The low maintenance man started out as a low maintenance boy. He used the grooming products that his mom bought and he did not care what brand they were. All the low maintenance boy needed was soap and shampoo. As the low maintenance boy grew into a teen, he only added a couple products to his grooming kit: deodorant and a razor. If someone bought his cologne, he would wear it on dates. Other than those products, the low maintenance boy grew into a low maintenance teen who only used the products that his mom bought for him and the rest of the house.

Smelling Good and Looking Good

The challenge for the low maintenance man does not come from knowing how to use the products, but remembering to buy the products. Men who just want to smell good and look nice do not always notice when they run out of a particular product. This is where GuysEssentials makes perfectly good sense for the low maintenance man. We have created a collection of grooming supplies that the low maintenance man needs so he can easily smell good and look good.

Men who are more involved in their grooming (high maintenance men) are very well aware of the products they use and when those products run out. They go to the store specifically to buy grooming products. High maintenance men have brands they love, fragrances that are their signatures, and products that they cannot do without. These men do not need GuysEssentials, because they know exactly what products they cannot do without.

The low maintenance man has absolutely no idea what products he needs. He might realize that toothpaste is important and maybe a bar of soap, but most low maintenance men do not even know where to find these products in the grocery store. They do not know the difference between whitening toothpaste and cavity-fighting toothpaste. They do not care if they use bar soap that is white or flecked with green. They just need the products.

Low Maintenance Orders

With GuysEssentials we take all of the thinking out of the grooming products that the low maintenance man needs. Whether mom, a high maintenance friends, or a girlfriend orders the products, the low maintenance man will have the basic necessities to keep looking good and smelling good.

Our preselected kits are perfect for the man who just needs the basics. Each box includes items like toothpaste, deodorant, shaving cream, soap, and hair gel. We include products from major manufacturers, but not the department store or salon brands. Our products are for the low maintenance man. The best part of the deal is that once you place your first order with GuysEssentials, you can set up a recurring shipment so you never have to think about your grooming needs again. The box will arrive, you open it, and you use the products - low maintenance all the way.